
Brilliant Voice® statements and references

Every project, every voice artist booking and every joint collaboration is new and exciting. 
Our favorite moment comes when customers and clients tell us they are delighted with our work.
Your praise for our efforts motivates us even further to always deliver our best.

Together we have been achieving brilliance – for over 20 years!

We are proud to count these major brands among our satisfied clientele:

Audi, BASF, Bayer, BMW, Fujitsu, Mercedes, Pro7, Siemens, TATA, VW, ZDF, ZDFdigital ... and many more!

Es gibt selten so schnelle, kompetente und vor allem unkomplizierte Kollegen wie euch. Es macht einfach immer Spaß mit euch zu arbeiten und man kann sich einfach drauf verlassen. Vielen Dank dafür. Das musste mal gesagt werden.

Andreas Bauerfeld, PAGES Media GmbH, München (Kunde)

I'd like to thank both of the voice artists. Their timing was very good and their takes fit perfectly with the German version! And, another compliment, too, for the audio quality. The microphone and recording studio provided a really neutral, "dry" sound. I'm a little bit jealous that I can't achieve the same effect in my studio ;-)

Martin Hensler, motor4 (Client)

Ist ja unglaublich wie schnell das bei Euch geht. Ganz ganz großes Lob – auch für die Qualität natürlich!

Alexander Häring, VMB Medical (Kunde)

Ich bin seit ca. 2009 bei Brilliant Voice und habe jetzt zum ersten Mal einen meiner eigenen Aufträge abgegeben. Die Anfrage zu diesem Job war sehr komplex; unbegrenzte Verwertungsrechte für fast alle Länder der Welt wurden gewünscht, allerdings ging es nicht nur um einen Imagefilm oder um Werbung, sondern um einen sprechenden Gegenstand, bzw. verschiedene Modelle dieses Gegenstandes und es sollten mehrere einzelne Angebote kalkuliert werden…
Da ich so etwas bisher noch nie gemacht hatte, habe ich mich an die Profis bei Brilliant Voice gewandt und mich dann sehr schnell entschieden, ihnen den Job zu übertragen. Und das war auch genau richtig - wir haben im Team überlegt was wir wollen und wie wir es angehen. Torben hat dann die Verhandlung mit dem Kunden übernommen. In vielen intensiven Absprachen und ausgedehnten Verhandlungen hat Torben eine faire, sehr gut durchdachte Gage rausgeschlagen - und ich wurde für den Job ausgewählt.
Selbst nach der Aufnahme, als unerwartete Schwierigkeiten auftraten.hat Torben weiterhin super professionell zwischen Kunden, Tonstudio und mir vermittelt, so dass wir das Projekt zur Zufriedenheit aller abschließen konnten.
Es ist einfach eine gute Sache für einen Sprecher, wenn jemand einem solch umfangreiche, wie auch komplizierte Angelegenheiten abnimmt.

Alison Rippier, Sprecherin & Schauspielerin

Over the last few years, Brilliant Voice® has become one of our closest business partners. Our partnership is based on sharing responsibilities on a large number of working levels. We work with Brilliant Voice in providing service to both the client and to many Brilliant Voice® voice artists. This close cooperation is possible because we share common values: honesty, reliability, transparency and fairness. We have never had reason to question an invoice, commission or any aspect of our working relationship with Brilliant Voice®. We have complete trust in Brilliant Voice®. Especially in light of our joint commitment to delivering the peak performance that our business increasingly demands, it is characteristic of our collaboration that our work with Brilliant Voice® is always on a personal and friendly basis. We are looking forward to many years of continued and growing success with Brilliant Voice®.

Arnold Kaup, Sounds Fresh (Studio)


Brilliant Voice stands for brilliant work with brilliant voices! Fast reaction times, a professional attitude, quick delivery and smooth coordination with studios and voice artists makes it a joy to work with you. And, best of all, a friendly working atmosphere at all times! I'm looking forward to the next opportunity for a brilliant collaboration.

Constantin Ziegler, Senior Production Manager, Bavaria Film Interactive GmbH

I had already heard from the company (...) and now have it in writing that everything worked out fine this morning. You're fantastic! It was the first time that everything went well on the first try in the course of this enormous project, and all thanks to your efforts. My compliments and many thanks to everyone involved for a job well done :-)

Dirk Feustel, TMT/PRISMANOVA (Client)

This is cool! Many thanks. It's always a pleasure to work with you!

Elmar Günther, FILMWÄRTS Medienproduktionen (Client)

Kudos from us for the fast and very professional service. It's a pleasure to work with you. Thank you very much.

Georgi Klingberg & Mathias Jatzlauk, TRiTON Akustikwerbung (Client)

Perfect service. It's awesome how Mike helped advise us, too. He recorded three different versions of the company motto to choose from, at the end. That makes our work a pleasure. It was the third time we've worked together and every time everything was perfect. Thanks!!!

Kai-Uwe Ziessnitz, werkfilm (Client)

Thanks for the quick response and for the all-round perfect service - friendly, fast, professional. You deserve the highest praise. Hope to work with you again soon.

Mario Zerfass, Icon Added Value GmbH (Client)

(...) was soll ich sagen – es ist immer wieder eine Freude, mit Brilliant Voice zusammenzuarbeiten.
Professionell, unglaublich schnell (Terminfindung vorab und Lieferung 11:35!) und trotzdem angenehm locker und unkompliziert. Tom hat natürlich seinen nicht unerheblichen Teil dazu beigetragen. Wir sind mal wieder sehr zufrieden.

Mario Zerfass, Kantar Added Value, Nürnberg (Kunde)

I wasn't expecting delivery before Monday, at the earliest, and here it is already! Super work! Many thanks.

Markus Redlof, Redlof Medienagentur (Client)

For our work, you are worth your weight in gold! No matter if it's just for a quick local radio spot or a major project. Thanks to your superior organization, we can complete all of our projects optimally and never have to wait long for voice artists and recordings. That's why we like to work with you so much. As far as we're concerned, you are simply the best.

Michael Kraus, SOUNDKOMBINAT Tonstudio Erfurt

(...) ich habe mir eben alle Bandansagen durchgehört und ich finde sie fantastisch.
Vielen Dank für die schnelle und unkomplizierte Zusammenarbeit.
Ich werde euch jedenfalls weiterempfehlen und auch unserer Marketingabteilung weiterleiten.

René Knorr, Ziegler Holding GmbH (Kunde)

Just a brief note to let you know that - as always - everything was great. Very professional work! Thanks for reacting so fast! The customer has just approved the spot for release.

Sander Ziegenrücker MDR-Werbung GmbH (Client)


I'd like to express my thanks, again.
The voice artist was 100% professional, perfect for our project and very pleasant to work with. I was especially pleased about the quick and also spontaneous completion of the new recordings to match the other elements retroactively.
I'll certainly be back to ask for more of your support for future projects.

Best regards,

Simeon Geyer

Simeon Geyer

We are very satisfied with your work: quick delivery, highly flexible, alternative voices, coordination of studios and voice artists.

TATA Interactive Systems AG, Switzerland (Client)

Do you know the two words that stand for reliability, transparency, honesty and mutual respect in voicing work? A fully competent partner whose projects always run smoothly, with whom appointments are always on time and whose voice artists are entirely professional? For us, their partner studio in Berlin, the answer is simple: Brilliant Voice®.

Uwe Engel, Mixwerk (Studio)